Street photography is a combination of skill and luck. Right place, right time and then you need to know when to press the shutter. Here's a few shots I consider more of a coincidence than anything else. Of course you have to know your camera and how to get all the settings right, but in the end you might sometimes even have the idea of what to shoot, but then it just doesn't happen because the final piece isn't there. Any wayz, good luck with your shooting.
The wilder side of life
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Here we go again
It was one of those years, but now there's a new one. As my love for photography hasn't dissapeared anywhere, there's been just too little time left for it, or I've been too tired to shoot. As my 20th year dabbling in the art of photography starts, I really do hope that I will find more opportunities to press the shutter button, or to be more precise, more opportunities to create something.
Years ago, when I started, I just took photograhs, but as the time has passed I've come to realize that in the end, just as every artform, photography is a process. It starts with an idea, the beginning of the creation, then that idea evolves. You search for the people to collaborate with, you look for the perfect spot where to shoot, and you then you execute. Hopefully all this results in an image you are proud of. Sometimes the proces is long, sometimes it's very spontaneus, but whatever the case, in the end it should be a labour of love. Even if I'm still going to shoot lot's of totally unplanned images, trial and error, I hope there will be more chances to do some planned shoots this year. Below are some pictures from 2024. I started a project called "Paperbag Portraits", and I really do I have the chance to continue it this year. Hopefully I'll meet some interesting people and have a lot of good time.
Friday, October 29, 2021
Let’s try with a new start - 1st month in Italy
Time is valuable and still so often it feels like time just slips away. You want to write, but there’s so many other things to do, and you prioritise just to notice that after a while you haven’t written a single word, again. So let’s call this a new start! So far in this blog I’ve written about nature photography, urbex, portraiture, lighting etc. And what I’ve done is that I’ve usually focused on one topic, and writen about that subject in one post after another till I’ve got enough. What I will change now is that I’ll most likely write about whatever topic interests me at the moment, without thinking I should write about the same theme or genre on and on. Whatever the case photography will be there all the time as a main topic of course. It will be a mix, but that way I hope I can keep the fire burning. With our move to Italy during this fall, I’m sure there will be lots of stuff to write about. So what lies ahead, is probably not only lots of good pictures, but places and food, combined with pictures and tips how to shoot, where to shoot, what to shoot etc. So if you are reading this, stay tuned there’s some cool stuff on its way.
These two last months have been really busy. September went in packing our belongings, storing things we wanted to keep, but couldn’t take with us, and selling things we knew we couldn’t bring with us but didn’t have place where to put them. Then in the end of September we had our trailer and car packed with us, me and Alexandra, plus our two cats and a dog and the adventure coud start. Driving trough the Baltic states, then Poland, Austria and finally over to Italy, was not really a relaxing holiday trip, but we survived. This October we have spent in Castel Volturno, which is about half an hour drive from the city of Naples. Castel Volturno is not the most pictoresque place in Italy, actually quite far away from that beautiful place what we tend to call ”bella Italia”. So not too many images of cute italian alleys and buildings has neen made during this month of exile. Photographically it has ment more of landscape photography for me at the moment, but I did a couple of intresting urbex shoots as well. As my main goal is start marketing my self as a people photographer, portraiture, weddings and such, I decided to come over with my ”fears” of connecting with people I don’t know, by asking complete strangers on the street or where ever I meet people, if they would allow me to make a picture of them. Not a very easy thing to do always, but I noticed that the best way is just stop over thinking and then ask. Usually the answer is yes. And what’s the worst that could happen? Probably that they say no. So that’s pretty much what I’ve been up to. So I’ve had a break from building up my portrait portfolio, and instead I’ve concentratd on other genres of photography, which actually has been a nice thing to do. Of course on the other hand I hope I can get back to portraiture asap.
On Sunday we will be on the road again as our plan is to move to Perugia, which lies just in the center of Italy. I guess that will be a place with lots of beautiful things marvel and to shoot, the real bella Italia. I’m definitely gonna miss the ocean, but leaving all this garbage ( believe me, there is lots of it in C V ) behind, is worh it I would say. So Umbria is calling and we are answering the call! Hopefully about within a week we have found a place of our own and I can continue my adventures in a new place with new subjects.
Here’s a few images from this past month…
Monday, May 31, 2021
How to improve your photography - My top 3
What would be the top three things for a photographer to own? Good and expensive gear maybe? I'd loved to shoot with a Hasselblad or some other digital medium format camera, but no, in my opinion gear is not on the top of this list. So what then? Here's my list:
1. The ability to see! Usually a photographer can see of course, but what I mean by seeing is not just seeing the obvious, but also being able to notice light, shapes, how the subject is related to the background, colors, what to include in to the frame and what to leave out, story etc. The list probably could go on and on. Camera is just an instrument to capture the light, but the photographer has to have a vision and to be able to see so that the image will have an impact on the viewer.
2. Good social / communicating skills! Imagine a situation when the photographer won't talk to the model! Our talent might feel a bit uncomfortable during the shoot, most likely resulting in mediocre or even bad photos. But if the photographer is constantly communicating with the model, giving direction of course, but also talking in general about this and that, the model will probably feel relaxed and good in front of the camera and thus her/his performance will also be much better and this will be seen in the final images.
3. Self-discipline! This also is important. It's not so that the shoots will always go as you plan. Your model gets sick and the shoot is canceled. You or the model is stuck in the traffic and you have postpone the start of shoot. Someone is just having a bad day. Often it would be nice to just go and shoot, shoot and shoot, but then you need to plan, you have to do some editing, keep in touch with clients and taking care of the business side, marketing and all that photography related paperwork, and the list goes on. Only by showing some self control you can be a successful photographer.
These three things are not available in the shop, you can't order them online. For some part you could have some tuition, maybe in form of a course, to shape for instance social skills or ability to see, but in the end the only way to own these three things is to practice and practice a lot. In the beginning it might feel difficult, but in the end you'll notice that these qualities or things will make so much more to your photography than a new expensive camera or a lens could ever could do. So hardware is nice, but it's not the only thing and most likely not the most important thing that will make you a good photographer.
Last Friday I had a chance to practice number 1 and 2 on this list with Emma. A nice couple of hours in the center of Helsinki. Here's a few images from that shoot...
Monday, May 17, 2021
Saturday shoot canceled! How to survive?
What could be more fun than have a Sunday shoot with a gorgeous model, nice surroundings and great weather? I had a shoot planned for Saturday a week ago, but what sometimes happens the model had to cancel the session due to feeling ill, and I would say that during the pandemic it's wise to backup if you feel sick. Of course I wasn't very happy because my shutter finger was itching and I so felt I want to do a shoot. In the last moment on Sunday morning I typed a message in a local tfcd-group. A last minute call so there were no high hopes, but you can always give a try. Surprisingly I got an answer fairly soon, Roza had time for a shoot! When planning for a shoot you always want to know where to shoot, and what's the theme or styling. For the canceled Saturday shoot the theme would have been a fantasy shoot, but with this sudden change I just decided to give the model free hands with the styling, with the only requirement from my part that it's a clothes on shoot. For the surroundings we decided to choose villa Sinnebrychoff in Espoo. There's some cool old buildings and a little piece of a forest, something fairly easy to use as a backdrop. It's always interesting to collaborate with someone you don't know, so I was pretty exited to get to know my model and see in what kind of outfit she would appear. Finally after a little confusion with where to park the cars we met in front of villa Sinnebrychoff. My model turned out to be a nice young lady who'd just finished modeling school. She'd prepared two outfits, one which I would define as a street style outfit and then she had brought with her a more ladylike skirt combination, both very cool looking! Even though it was somewhat difficult to find a place where she could change her clothes, we managed to use both outfits during those couple of hours. All in all we ended up with some images that in my opinion just rocks and some images very ladylike, taking my imagination to Jane Austens "Pride and prejudice" surroundings, and then of course we had some good time. So no harm done even if my Saturday shoot was canceled! Here's a few images from the shoot...