Friday, February 12, 2016

Good light, good shadows

    Light and shadow, the two go so well together, and it's always nice to have a good combination of them both in an image. In this image of Demu, our brave little husky, you can see both good light and a nice shadow on the wall adding some impact on the image. Best time for playing with shadows is usually in the morning or in the evening, when the sun hits the ground from a low angle, all this of course if you prefer natural light, like in this pic. Then you can always use some artificial lighting if you feel, and make good shadows when ever you like.


Monday, February 8, 2016

A photo shoot in an abandoned military base

  Abandoned buildings and portraits, that's a cool combination. Yesterday a friend asked me if I would like to make a few images with him in them. When someone want's to be photographed and asks me to do it, I'm more than happy to help. So, where to go, is always a good question. I didn't need to think too long, because lately I've been visiting an abandoned army base quite often. A peaceful place for walking the dogs, but works as a scene for photos too. So there we went. My buddy wanted to have a guitar in the pics, so we took one with us. For the images I mostly used a speedlight with a DIY grid attached on, plus one extra flash to get some extra light on the background or as a fill.


Monday, February 1, 2016

A day in the Vrachanski Balkan

  Definitely had fun today hiking up the steep rocks of Vrachanski Balkan. It's not really the best time of the year, still some snow here and there, and even some rain came down when we arrived to Vratsa. Who cares if the weather is not on your side, the most important thing is to have fun. For me it meant enjoying good company and some landscape as well as portrait photo opportunities too.