Saturday, October 14, 2017

Photo shoot in Ripenda

  Keeping your eyes open as a photographer is a must. It's not allways maybe possible to haul around your camera, but when you see a nice place which perfectly would stand as a nice backdrop for a shoot, you can allways go back there for a shoot later, you just have to remember where that perfect spot is. A while ago I saw this nice piece of road, hidden inside an arch of trees or maybe I should call them bushes. Who knows? Just so perfect for a shoot! Of course the spot would be a perfect place for landscape only, but cos I love landscapes with people, I thought it would be nice to take a model there and just make it a portrait session.
  A simple setup with flash through a softbox, a little of ambient light and there you go. Just take a few props with you and you are ready to go. Of course you don't need flash always, and just before leaving the place we stumbled across this small field and a gate. The sun was shining through not too heavy clouds, maybe I would call it haze, and my flashgun and softbox was already packed in so I thought we'll go natural. Here's a few shots.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

A lovely wedding

 Had the priviledge to attend a wedding last Saturday. This time I wasn't the official photographer, but more like a guest. Of course I carried my camera with me, but only one body, two lenses and a speedlight, so I was pretty lightly armed. When you are not the official photographer you can just enjoy the party, mingle around and snap a few images from time time, and that's nice. No matter if you are a guest or on "duty", few things remain the same when it comes to weddings, the Bride is beautiful, groom is handsome and you meet lots of new cool people. Really enjoyed the atmosphere and made a couple of new acquaintances.
  Even if I wasn't invited as a photog. to this wedding I just couldn't help my self and I had to steel the couple for a few minutes for a portrait. Just something very simple, backlit by setting sun, filled with one speedlight from the front and that's it. Then a little post processing.
  So congrats Sanja and Marko! And here follows two versions of  the five minute portrait session. Just love the expressions of the bride and the groom.