Have been a bit busy these last too weeks, and even if I've had occasionally time to make a frame or two, it has mostly been cats and dogs, so I decided I'd wait for something else before I'll make a new post. So even if me and everybody else are busy, it's good to know that there still are those who crawl around in a pretty slow pace... snails. For photographers and culinarists as well, it is good that these invertebrates move slow. After the rain, and of course during, there are plenty of these oozy fellows around, so it's good to watch your step, otherwise you can hear something crack under your feet. It seems that Escargots are not too afraid of hights. This guy in the images below had found hes way to a pretty elevated position, and because of the nice light after a heavy rain, instead of getting butter and garlic, I grabbed my camera and tripod made a couple of portraits of him. Enjoy...
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