Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A landscape: with or without people?

  I really don't know if there is a single person who've touched a camera and didn't never ever make a single landscape image. There's so many reasons to make landscape pics. One reason is just because you were there and the view was just so cool. For many who are interested in shooting wildlife, the reason might be to get the animals habitat within the picture. Some might make an image of the same view year after year just to see how the surroundings are changing. For a long time I tried to avoid having people in my landscapes. Somehow I guess I felt that a person in my image ruins the shot. Lately I've changed my opinion. I still shoot landscapes without people, and sometimes it really can be hard to make such an image, especially if the place where you are shooting is crowded. For example, a few weeks ago, when shooting the waterfall Skaklya, the place was swarming with people. There was always someone within the frame, and just when I was pretty sure that now the view is clear, of course someone popped him self in the image to make a selfie. Finally, after standing some 15 minutes in a freezing cold mountain stream, I managed to make an image from where I could crop the people out in post. Definitely an image were I didn't want to have human beings. Even though sometimes you don't want to have people in your images, then on the other hand, sometimes a person or two can make the image alive or maybe it can give some scale to the landscape. Here's a few images from last week. Maybe the pics would've been good without a person, but I think that with a person in them they are a tad better. What do you think?


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