To make images of people doesn't mean you have to use a whole day for the shoot. I'm fortunate to have a nice and beautiful wife who from time to time lends her self for my photographic endeavors, so a 5-15 minutes photo shoot is possible every now and then with quite a short notice. On Tuesday I knew that we were going to drive together on this tiny road in a forest, so the backdrop would be there. Then we had bought quite recently this nice looking, romantically decorated umbrella, so we even had a prop for the shoot. What more do you need? A camera and a lens of course, but that's pretty much all. Found a nice spot where I thought we'd shoot and stopped the car. I asked my wife to walk away and made a couple of frames. Then I walked after her and we made a couple of portraits. Then I asked her to walk back to the car and made a couple more images while she was returning to the car. The whole session took about 10 minutes. Fast and effective! Ingredients for a portrait shoot are a camera, a place where to shoot, light, and a model. And if necessary just add a prop or two. In my opinion the last ingredient, a model, is sometimes the hardest thing to find, but why not to use family members or friends? Most likely they are happy to help you. Just tell them what to do, give them a prop to hold and fire away!

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