When on 3rd class I somehow managed to close my eyes for every single class photo that year, from portraits to the group photo made of our class. The good thing was that we got the portrait images for free. Eyes are definitely the one single most important thing to focus on when making an image. Most often it is even considered as a mistake if the eyes aren't in focus. During these ten years I've made so many pictures of different kinds of critters, from people to tiny insects, and just too often it has happened that the focus were not where it should had been, in the eyes. Too often I've focused in the nose, sometimes in the ears or somewhere else, but not in the eyes. And so many times the image has been left on the hard-drive to rotten in there, until one day the delete button will take care of that bad image and this just because the eyes in the image are blurry and soft. So, when making a photo and there is no real reason why, make sure that the eyes are as sharp as possible. In the following image, where do you look first? I'll look at the beautiful lady with the closed eyes, but your eyes will most likely meet the gaze of the furry cutie on the front left.
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