Saturday, February 14, 2015

10 years of photography: The best time of the year for photography

  You can make images whenever you want, no matter the season, winter, summer, fall or spring. However spring is my favorite. Summer is nice, it's warm and lots of cool things around. Fall is colorful. Winter... some like it, I don't, even if you can shoot nice things during the dark and cold months too. Anyway, spring is my favorite. That's when there is so much going on in the nature. First in February everything is slowly waking up from the winter and then suddenly in March and April there is so much to shoot, flowers, insect, nice lime green colors when the trees start get their leaves, so on and so on. Then finally in the May the nature start to be ready for the hot summer months. As long as I can remember the spring has been the best season. One cool thing with the first part of the spring is when you start to find things. There's still a little snow on the ground when the first flowers pop up. On a sunny south or west facing slope you can find the first lizards basking and with a little luck under a rock you can find scorpions or some other cool invertebrates. I just love spring!!!

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