Tuesday, March 20, 2018

My camera just makes some awesome images just by him self...(?)

  Very often when I meet someone who does photography and tell them that I'm a photographer too, the first question is, "what brand or camera do you shoot with?" What I really would like to say is "who cares(!), but usually I end up telling that I use Nikon cameras. Then I ask what camera do they use, and they tell me it's Nikon, Canon, Sony, Olympus... It would be so much nicer to talk about images. It's not that the camera you use wouldn't be important, you'll definitely need one for your art, but when you show your images, who cares about the brand of your equipment?! For me photography is not so much about the gear, it's about searching, seeing, finding and experiencing! Light, different shapes, patterns and forms, curiosities, things I've never seen before, beauty... These are things I'll try to see and find to shoot and they won't change no matter what camera brand I would use. The skill ain't in the gear but within the artist, so stop worrying too much about the gear and start seeing and shooting! It's not your camera that makes the images, it's not your hammer that builds your house, it's not your piano that plays those beautiful melodies. Instead of worrying about your gear, train your eye. Here's some stuff I saw with my eyes and recorded with my camera, architectural stuff or actually mainly details from buildings, shapes, light, patterns, details, trees growing through houses, shadows. Try to guess what camera I used for each image? (OK, I told you the brand is Nikon, but which model? [Not that I wouldn't love to have the new Nikon D850])

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